WordPress Web Design & Development

Easy To Use


Highly Flexible


SEO Optimised

WordPress Web Design

Our Approach to WordPress Web Design & Development

Unfortunately, not all websites are equal. Just because a website is designed in WordPress, it doesn’t automatically make it good (or bad). They can be built well, and they can be built badly. This goes for any website and platform, and it is particularly the case with websites built using site builders such as Wix.

A benefit of a Local Exposure website is that you are pulling on years of collective experience. Just some of the virtues of Local Exposure Nottingham Web Design are included below.

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Website Design & Style

Local Exposure build some of the best websites with a vibrant and striking appeal from our Nottingham based web design studio. Our professional web designers can creatively turn their hand to suit any type of business and size. We are equally happy to either follow a very specific design brief and consultation or be left to have full artistic license.

Theme & Plugins

Many people, especially when just starting out or business owners doing it for themselves, simply pick a theme from a theme library that seems to fit a desired and look feel. There is often no real consideration to how efficient a theme or plugin is, whether it is good or bad for SEO, or how easy and flexible it will be to use, now or in the future.

We spend literally dozens of hours reviewing and testing themes and plugins to ensure our customers aren’t sold a pup. Selection is based on performance, security, versatility, and whether it will be around in the future to continue receiving ongoing development and support.


Theme, security and other key plugins are professional grade licensed items. They are not light versions downloaded for free from the WordPress directory. Our agency license agreements mean your website is built from the best building blocks, but without the high individual license costs.

Speed & Optimisation

Speed is an important factor when it comes to both visitor satisfaction and search engine position. All our websites are fully optimised, including a keen eye on page weight, code minification, image resizing / compression, page caching, CDN (content delivery network), web server tuning and general use of best practices.


Basic on-page SEO is included as part of our standard monthly service.

When it comes to position in organic search results (regardless of any wild claims you might have heard), nothing is guaranteed. But Local Exposures on-page SEO gives your site the very best shot at good position. Optimisation includes attention to pages meta data, page and header titles, content, images and their alt tags, and all speed and optimisation tuning mentioned above.

This is an ongoing service. If you have a query about performance, let us know, we will perform keyword analysis, make some content recommendations and undertake the on-page SEO required to get things on track.

Updates, Security & Backups

Updates, security and backups are often overlooked and neglected until it is too late.

Local Exposure takes the security of every website seriously. Themes and plugins are regularly updated to ensure they are not subject to security flaws that would leave the site vulnerable to being hacked. Websites are regularly scanned for malware to ensure no part of the code is infected.

As further line of defense we run fully licensed security firewall and spam protection. These measures further protect the site and block any bad traffic which could attack the site, slow it down or bring it down completely.

Daily backups are taken so the site can be recovered in the unlikely event that something goes wrong or there is data loss. If you were to have a website and host it within your own account, it is unlikely you would have cover for all these aspects and would be responsible to manage things for yourself. But with our service everything is covered.

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Why? Benefits of WordPress Web Design

Easy to use

Even if you’re not a web designer and unfamiliar with content management systems, WordPress is relatively easy use and significantly easier than any of its competitors.

Local Exposure are on hand to help with site updates. But if you would like the freedom and choose to manage content yourself, you can log in to your dashboard and add, edit, or remove anything with a few clicks. This allows you to eliminate the time you would otherwise spend learning aspects of web design, freeing you to grow other areas of your business.

WordPress Development & Innovation

WordPress stays up to date with the latest technology, trends and user needs. The function and purpose of a website can change over time, and thankfully, WordPress is up to that task. Regular updates mean that the CMS stays relevant, problems are resolved, and new useful and exciting features are added regularly.

Functionality & Plugins

While most website builders include only basic functionality, WordPress takes the concept to a new level. Thanks to WordPress’s popularity, there are literally thousands of plugins available.

This means almost any feature can be integrated into your site, either now or in the future. This flexibility and scope for expansion helps protect the longevity of your site, and your investment in it.

Attractive Website Design

Again, due to its popularity, WordPress has the widest range of quality themes and building blocks available compared to alternatives. The most polished and professional looking websites are designed using WordPress.

Responsive Web Design

WordPress is your best choice if you want your website to adapt to the device it is being viewed from and deliver your visitors with the best experience, whether from smartphone, tablet or desktop computer.

The responsive design options available in the latest generation page builders like Elementor can provide the most finely tuned control with the most stunning of results.

Third Party Integrations

Another strength of WordPress is the number of widgets and integrations to third party services via plugins and WordPress’s API. Features include but not limited to, Facebook and Facebook Pixel, Twitter, Instagram, Chat, Booking Calendars, and industry specific services such as property feeds.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

WordPress features powerful SEO capabilities through industry standard plugins like Yoast SEO and MathRank. These plugins not only ensure the correct meta data is published correctly, they provide comprehensive tools that help guide and fine tune the entry of SEO content. The result is a level of optimisation which would otherwise not be possible when compared to other CMS, which often require things to be done more manually.

WooCommerce Ecommerce Capabilities

Traditionally CMS platforms have been good for either websites or ecommerce. With the WooCommerce plugin, WordPress changes all this. WooCommerce isn’t simply a bolt on. It can turn any WordPress website into a fully functioning Ecommerce store. It provides a professional grade solution that scales well, from a very simple cart with only a few items to something much larger.

A benefit this brings for WordPress site owners is your website can be easily upgraded from having no ecommerce functionally, without the need for complete redevelopment.

WooCommerce is highly versatile with hundreds of additional plugins and extensions available. You can basically sell anything including virtual products and digital downloads, charges for services such as appointments and reservations, in addition to your typical physical products. WooCommerce accounts for the largest market share of eCommerce platforms, well above its closest competitors such as Squarespace, Shopify and Magento.

Speed and Efficiency

The speed of your website is becoming an increasing important factor we it comes to both customer satisfaction and search engine performance. Customers expect your website to be fast, yet still visually rich, regardless of their internet connection. Search engines will move your website down in the search engine results if it has slow page load times.

Fortunately, the WordPress ecosystem has the best technology available to optimise speed and efficiency. WordPress optimisation goes well beyond platform level optimisations such as plugins and coding tweaks.

Specialist WordPress hosting provides rocket fast platform specific optimisations and caching right at the web server. This level of optimisation is simply not available in regular hosting used by other CMS platforms.


You may only need a fast loading and functional website in the beginning, but for some businesses this may change as your business grows. WordPress is fully scalable, from a simple business website to a fully-fledged eCommerce store processing thousands of visitors and orders a day.

Examples of our Work

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